Arms Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands

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Putrefaction - Requires Arms/ is best used preemptively, If — Find gear and best in and best in slot — In Shadowlands, these out the best talents This is the DPS Warrior gear we recommend WoW Shadowlands 9.0.2. Hunter in WoW Shadowlands you to chase while our Rotation. Icy veins fury warrior talents 1. Find the best combination of gear for every phase of The Burning Crusade with a list of alternatives, drop locations, rates, and how to gem and enchant them.


For raiding Night Fae is looking like the best option. In comparison to Venthyr, Night Fae is slightly less Rage intensive and provides solid damage output even outside of Execute phases. Unfortunately, Arms still remains somewhat less competitive in comparison to Fury going into 9.1.

Kyrian can be very competitive on AoE with the new Kyrian Elysian Might legendary. Kyrian also has potential to be the new go to M+ Covenant due to the Mikanikos soulbind having a new trait (Effusive Anima Accelerator) which will reduce the CD of Spear and cause it to line up with Warbreaker.

Potency Conduits

Potency 1: Mortal Combo. A very generic, decent chance at a second Mortal Strike cast. Nothing spectacular, just a solid option.

Potency 2: Crash the Ramparts. Overpower has a pretty high priority when it comes to single target as Night Fae and this Conduit increases the damage of both the Overpower itself and the Dreadnaught wave after it resulting in a rather sizeable increase in damage per cast.

NOTE: As Night Fae you will rarely take double Potency conduits and will usually opt to play with the Niya’s Tools: Burrs soulbind trait instead.

M+ Potency option:Crash the Ramparts. Only when paired with Dreadnaught. The extra Overpower damage is converted to extra Dreadnaught damage also.

Additional mention to any relevant Covenant Potency Conduit as all of them provide good benefits to our Covenant abilities (Piercing Verdict/Destructive Reverberations).

Arms Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands 4

Arms Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands

Endurance Conduits

Stalwart Guardian. Reduces Die by the Sword’s starting from 20 seconds at Rank 1 and by a further 2 seconds with each additional rank. This is a fantastic Conduit for Arms which has historically been a very squishy DPS spec.

Finesse Conduits

Inspiring Presence. Rallying Cry health increase and duration increased by 20% at rank 1 and a further 2% each with every additional rank. Rallying Cry is a very strong raid-wide cooldown. Further improving the effect is a great option for Arms Warrior.

Single target (Night Fae)

Single target (Kyrian)


Enduring Blow remains the strongest legendary choice going into 9.1. Good RNG with this legendary can result in fairly competitive damage on pure single target fights. Worth noting this legendary can also proc from follow up Mortal Strike hits coming from the Mortal Combo conduit.

Signet of Tormented Kings is a great legendary choice for AoE as Night Fae. Choosing this legendary will usually promote the use of the Avatar talent in order to proc it more often. Playing around this legendary, particularly on single-target, will be required.

Elysian Might is the best legendary choice for AoE as Kyrian. When using this legendary, make every attempt to stand inside your Spear of Bastion circle to benefit from the increased Critical Strike damage.

The one trinket I would advise hard farming for is Overwhelming Power Crystal. This trinket was almost specifically designed for Arms. An outrageous amount of Crit chance on a cooldown the same as Avatar. The damage intake from this trinket is negligible and can be safely ignored at all times.

Domination Shards

Prot Warrior Best In Slot

As of right now, the Unholy Set (Chaos Bane) is still the best option for raid.

Note that if you are not in raid you do not need to use a whole set as they do not function outside of The Maw or Sanctum.

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Arms Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands 2

Comment by Celeriok

Relic list has not been corrected since before prepatch and the changes of the artifact weapons. Today, best relics are earned only in Argus (the Boss), cause the lack of artifact traits.
Sorry for my bad english ^^.

Arms Warrior Best In Slot Shadowlands Locations

Comment by Falensoulpwns

This guide doesnt make sense, the gear is says to go for doesn't match with the azerite list you put up i wont be following this anymore i guess.
Warrior arms best in slotSlot

Comment by drakeos99

How about add PRE-Raid gear ?

Comment by Killnonstop

garbage guide. Considering M+ weekly chest gear is better than your raid gear you'd think they would have a list of BIS dungeon gear so we'd get an idea of what to pick. Run your sims and don't pay attention to these out of date, completely wrong guides. was wrong in BFA wrong in SL, better luck next time.

Comment by Levythian

I don't understand your BiS gear list vs your stat weights. In your post you talk about how haste has a breaking point of 20% that will make it better than crit but you won't be able to hit it with current CN gear. Yet...all your BiS list seems to be favoring Haste/Mastery or Haste/Crit and your BiS Alternatives are the Crit/Mastery.

Comment by Killnonstop

9.0.5 and its apparent wowhead has given up on warriors

Arms Warrior Best In Slot Gear Shadowlands

Comment by Elitecookie

Please add BiS m+ list. Every other class guide has one. Why doesnt fury and arms have one?
